Tutoring program
Do you need support in your accounting/finance courses? Sign up for our tutoring program and extend your knowledge!
The intention of the CAA’s policies and procedures for tutoring is to protect both tutors and tutees, as well as the associations from misunderstandings and academic misconduct.
Individuals interested in tutoring for any eligible courses must have a minimum 3.67 GPA in the specific course they want to tutor and an overall 3.2 GPA and are required to demonstrate their understanding of course materials through a mock tutoring session. GPA’ s are just a starting point and are not absolute requirement. Students who demonstrate enough competency through a mock tutoring session are equally eligible.
Tutors are to act as a guide to provide further support, outside of the classroom setting, to students. Tutors are NOT to provide answers and solutions for student’s homework, assignments, and quizzes/tests.
Tutors identified to have been completing any assessments for students will be disciplined in accordance with Capilano University’s Cheating and Plagiarism Policy and will not be permitted to provide further tutoring services through the CAA.
Students are responsible to demonstrate academic integrity to not mislead the tutors in performing any homework, quizzes/tests, or any form of assignment work. The tutoring program provides additional tutoring outside of the classroom to clarify concepts and course reviews.
Tutoring services are administered through group sessions through multiple time slots during the weekday asynchronously on-campus and online through Teams.
Service satisfaction
Students who are not satisfied with the tutoring services provided by a specific tutor, should contact the CAA’s Director of Tutoring.
Tutors who are not satisfied with the conduct of a student should contact the CAA’s Director of Tutoring.
Record of complaint
Please fill out the below formal complaint form if needed. Formal complaint submissions are considered confidential and are only viewable by the CAA's President and Vice-president.
Please direct all questions and concerns to CAA’s Director of Tutoring, Shubham Mavani, at shubhammavani@capilanou.ca